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Google looking for part time quality raters and ads quality raters working from home (telecommute jobs). High speed internet connection, web research skills and good written communication skills are required. For quality raters, a graduate degree and work authorization is required . There is no test for ads quality raters but quality raters have to take a test. They also require raters with knowledge of foreign languages like French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
These jobs are available in USA or Canada and quality raters are employed through WorkforceLogic.
This part time work is usually for 30 hours a week. Quality raters have reported payment rates between US$10-US$19 per hour on work at home forums. Raters are employed for a maximum period of 12 months and receive a weekly check from WorkforceLogic. After working for 12 months, they have to take a break.
After getting the job, raters are sent training material and have to sign a non disclosure agreement.
Discussion on work at home quality rater jobs at Google
Amazons Mechanical Turk - individuals are paid for completing HITS (Human Intelligence Tasks). The amount paid for each HIT varies according to the complexity of the task. The amount is credited after approximately a week or more to your account. For high value HITs , certain qualifications or tests have to be taken. The total balance in the account can paid can be transferred to a US bank account or to an Amazon account.
Parameds - needs independent contractors to work as record retrievers to call up doctors office's and retrieve medical records. The doctor's office can only release the records after HIPPA compliant authorization are sent by fax (through computer) or mailed by the retriever. The retrievers are paid US$4 per case and have to pass a background check. To apply email: Esther.smith@parameds.com
Online Verdict - employs jurors who review legal cases online from home and provide feedback to attorneys. After registering, you have to understand a legal case (which may take 20 minutes to 60 minutes) depending on the case and enter your opinion. Pay varies from US$20 to US$60 per case, and is sent once a month by check. Should be a US citizen above 18 years of age to be eligible for this work.
Uhaul - telecommuting hotline agents required to assist customers in need of emergency road services. Agents should have good communication skills, PC knowledge and a PC with a broadband internet connection.
Zapjury - similar to Online Verdict, but jurors should have a certain profile to qualify for payments.
Life Source - Organ Placement Specialist , work on weekends, 12 to 24 hours a week, gather information on organ related cases and co-ordinate with transplant centers.
MicroMash Bar Review - looking for legal professionals to work at home as bar exam mentors. Mentors are trained to review a student's essay assignments and provide feedback.
We will add details of new companies offering work from home jobs regularly. Kindly note that we do not recommend or endorse any company. Please verify the credentials of the company before taking up any work. We believe that any company that asks for upfront or initial payment/deposit for work at home jobs is likely to be a scam.
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