Medical transcription/ coding work from home jobs Transcription equipment Contact us Home
Transcription jobs are similar to data entry jobs, but in addition to having a good typing speed, you should have good listening skills. The hourly rates for transcription jobs are usually higher than data entry jobs. Transcription work can be medical, business, legal or general. For medical transcription, knowledge of medical terminology is required. Many companies offering medical transcription work have an in-house training program and directly recruit transcribers who complete the program successfully. Bookmark this page
Amphion Medical Solutions - employs part time (20+ hours per week) and full time medical coders, coding reviewers and medical transcriptionist working from home. For transcription, 2 years relevant experience is required. You can take an online assessment test to check suitability
Acetera requires experienced medical and non-medical transcriptionists. As of June 2006, they have more than 60 independent contractors who work from home.
All State Transcription - medical transcription
Alphabest, LLC - requires independent contractors to work as medical transcribers. Minimum 2 years experience required. Transcribers should be resident in US only.
Aviacode has positions for coders in various specialties like radiology, neurology, urology . Offers training updates.
D&L Typing Service, Inc. - employs transcriptionist from USA and Canada. Transcriptionists should be able to play dictations required in both WAV and DVIPS format. Compensation is based on a page rate or line rate and will be sent by check every 2 weeks. Company is more than 14 years old.
Dict8 - employs medical transcribers in UK, payment is on a monthly basis
Scriptacom Transcription Solutions - for medical , legal and business transcription
SpectraMedi - employs Quality Assurance Editors/Proofreaders and medical transcriptionists working from home. Experience required and certification is desirable. Company has its own transcription software.
Spheris /Health Scribe - vacancies for professional medical transcriptionists , quality assurance specialists, information systems personnel and other corporate professionals. they also offer in-house training
Transhealth - employs medical transcribers working from home anywhere in USA. Should have a minimum of 2 years experience, pass a written medical exam and transcription skills test. Compensation is based on productivity and benefits include paid holidays, training and insurance
Thomas Transcription Services - provides medical and non medical transcription. Looking for medical transcribers with a minimum of three years experience. Online application form
WordZXexpressed, Inc - offers medical and non medical transcription
Oracle Transcription-
Cymetrix -
Focus Informatics-
MT jobs-
Fast Charts-
MTsatwork - Medical transcription forum
We will add details of new companies offering work from home jobs regularly. Kindly note that we do not recommend or endorse any company. Please verify the credentials of the company before taking up any work. We believe that any company that asks for upfront or initial payment/deposit for work at home jobs is likely to be a scam.
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